News 21.02.2021

Israeli authorities are trying to find the ship that is responsible for an oil spill in its Meditteranean shoreline. Specialists said that this is a huge blow to the environment and it can the years to clean it up. Last week a 55 foot-long whale was found thrown out on a beach. An autopsy had found oil-based material in the whale's body. It was called a big disaster, especially that it affected not only the environment but also millions of living creatures in the sea and on the shore. Luckily, thousands of volunteers gathered to help with cleaning the beach from oil, also Israel's military forces offered help with cleaning. Israel is looking for a ship responsible for this disaster with help of satellite images and modeling of wave movements. Israel environmental protection minister said that there were nine ships in that area at the time they are looking at and it is a big chance that the specific ship would be found.

In my opinion, the ship responsible for the disaster and the company behind it should have immediately admitted to this action and try to pay for cleaning oil contamination. Also, all of the ships that are carrying dangerous for the environment cargo should have very specific and strict security features. It is unacceptable that such situations take place and the culprits are not found yet. Moreover, while planning routes for ships with such cargo people should take routes as far from the shore as possible. It would not be a perfect solution for a such situation like this in Israel, but it would decrease damages made for the shore and animals living there.


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