News 14.02.2021

 There has been an increase in the number of people getting involved in projects that help local environments. The Woodland Trust, the largest organization engaged in the planting and protection of trees that runs a free trees scheme for school and community groups, experienced this tendency on their own example. Last year they planted over one million trees. Despite Covid, they had more applications for spring this year than for the previous year and they are going to send close to half a million new saplings. The average of planted trees is around 4000 a day. Kay Clark manager at the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) said that there was an uplift of people wanting to help environment and that he had never seen anything like that.

I think it is super interesting that people despite pandemic are so willing to help our planet. Or maybe the pandemic was the reason why the people care more about others,our planet included. Just like Kay Clark from RHS said “Once people start to become community-minded or start to grow things, that’s not something that leaves you. It becomes part of your life.” I think she may be right and pandemic brought out of people (at least from some of them) sense of community and sensitivity to harm, also environmental. Especially when it comes down to planting a tree which is so simple but so effective.


  1. There might be a simpler reason for this - during the pandemic people look for legitimate excuses to get out of their homes and spend time in nature. With the UK in very strict and long lockdown, this is not surprising that want to plant trees instead of watching the telly for another long week.


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