Long-term effects of alcohol

 Those who drink excessively for a long period of time have an increased risk of having various complications. Long-term health risks of chronic alcohol use include heart, liver, and digestion problems, cancer, immune system weakening, also mood and sleep disturbances. Moreover, it increases the risk of other mental health problems, including depression and anxiety.

Alcohol can also result in shrinkage of the brain region known as the hippocampus, which is responsible for our memory. In the study by the University of Oxford, researchers tracked participants' drinking patterns and their brain health for 30 years. People in the study who drank 4 or more drinks a day had almost 6 times the risk of hippocampus shrinkage compared to non-drinkers. Researchers found out that brain shrinkage was proportional to the amount of alcohol a person drank.

Excessive drinkers are exposed to "wet brain" syndrome. This condition can cause persisting mental confusion, eye movement disturbances, difficulty with coordination, and learning and memory problems.

Lastly, long-term alcohol usage can also lead to the development of an alcohol use disorder - AUD, which can be referred to as alcoholism.



  1. Why is it called 'wet brain'?
    The Korsakoff syndrome is a set of symptoms displayed by alcoholics.


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