
Wyświetlanie postów z luty, 2021

News 21.02.2021

Israeli authorities are trying to find the ship that is responsible for an oil spill in its Meditteranean shoreline. Specialists said that this is a huge blow to the environment and it can the years to clean it up. Last week a 55 foot-long whale was found thrown out on a beach. An autopsy had found oil-based material in the whale's body. It was called a big disaster, especially that it affected not only the environment but also millions of living creatures in the sea and on the shore. Luckily, thousands of volunteers gathered to help with cleaning the beach from oil, also Israel's military forces offered help with cleaning. Israel is looking for a ship responsible for this disaster with help of satellite images and modeling of wave movements. Israel environmental protection minister said that there were nine ships in that area at the time they are looking at and it is a big chance that the specific ship would be found. In my opinion, the ship responsible for the disaster and th...

News 14.02.2021

 There has been an increase in the number of people getting involved in projects that help local environments. The Woodland Trust, the largest organization engaged in the planting and protection of trees that runs a free trees scheme for school and community groups, experienced this tendency on their own example. Last year they planted over one million trees. Despite Covid, they had more applications for spring this year than for the previous year and they are going to send close to half a million new saplings. The average of planted trees is around 4000 a day. Kay Clark manager at the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) said that there was an uplift of people wanting to help environment and that he had never seen anything like that. I think it is super interesting that people despite pandemic are so willing to help our planet. Or maybe the pandemic was the reason why the people care more about others,our planet included. Just like Kay Clark from RHS said  “Once people start to ...

News 7.02.2021

 Himalayan glacier crashed into a dam in Sunday, which caused floods that were a huge danger for villages downstream. The exact number is not confirmed, but 100 to 150 people were feared dead. A witness said that a wall of dust, rocks and water created an avalanche coming down a river valley. Locals also said that it came so fast that there were no time to alert anyone. India's air force are ready to help with rescue operations. Also disaster response teams were airlifted to bring help and save lifes of injured. Chief minister of Uttarakhand, a state where the incident occured claims that the water level of the river is decreasing and the situation is under control. Uttarakhand is especially vulnerable to flash floods and landslides. This case shows that this kind of disasters is extremely dangerous especially considering lack of warning devices and evacuation systems. It also leaves us with the question if building energetic projects and villages in such sensitive place is reasona...

My goal for this term

 In this semester I would like to improve vocabulary while speaking. When I am reading I don't have a problem to understand most of the words, also while writing I can came up with most of the words that I need in that situation. Despite this, when I speak I often can't find out the right word. It may be caused by stress or by short amount of time or just by lack of fluency in my vocabulary. I think I can improve it by talking to myself in English or even recording myself and then listening and finding mistakes. Another solution might be reading more books or watching films in English and then checking unknown words and writing them in the notebook.