Museum of the future - the building designed by algorithm

 Museum of the future, located in Dubai is known as one of the most chellenging building  projects ever attempted. It is still under construction due to pandemic, but it will be opened in March 2021. It shape resemble an eye, which is covered in Arabic caligraphy. The inscription is a part of Arabic poetry that means "The future belongs to those who can imagine it, design it, and execute it. It isn't something you await, but rather create ". The lead designer of the project said that it would be impossible to design it without parametric design and Building Informational Modelling (BIM). Parametric design is part of a complicated algorythm that allows us to manipulate the variables of an equation to get the expected solution. BIM is a three demensional technology for construction proffesionals,that help them design and document projects together.Parametric modelling of people movement in the building helped determining how to reduce queuing time and how to arrange elevators and bathrooms to minimalize crowds on the corridors. Design of the Museum of the future is considered as a wonder of modern technology. 


  1. It looks lovely at night. Though I imagine this is just a visualisation, not the actual building?
    By the way, anything interesting happening in architecture outside Dubai?

  2. The museum is almost completed. It will be open in spring.
    My topic was about Dubai but I can of course write about other places.


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