
Wyświetlanie postów z listopad, 2021


 In the forest near the Polish-Belarussian border, a network of Polish volunteers gives support, food and medical help to the people who achieved to cross the border. Michal, who is one of them, every night puts a green light in his house in the woods to sign that refugees can try to ask for help. Many of the refugees are in the bad condition, some of them claimed that they were beaten by Belarussian soldiers. At least 8 people have died in the woods in recent days.  No matter of opinion about the Polish-Belarussian conflict saving life is always good. What is even more admirable about volunteers is that they help regardless of the consequences. It is also very heart-warming to read something positive about Poland in the respected foreign media. link:

My reflection

 Recently I have read that minister of education Przemysław Czarnek "will take a look" at Squid Game TV series, because he thinks that such content is harmful and shouldn't take place. He also admitted that he hasn't watched the series. Squid Game is the latest Netflix hit and it is the most popular show in this platform history. It is very brutal but it deals with important aspects of human nature and our society.  Reaction of our minister is really shocking especially that he hasn't watched it. This show has an age restriction for people 16+, but of course, a lot of children don't respect it. I am very curious what the ministry is going to do about that. I doubt that they will ban the show from polish Netflix. All they can do is educate parents about what kind of content they are showing to their kids, but it is probably the last thing they will do.